Wednesday, January 16, 2013

6:06 AM

by Audrey Dame
Once upon a time, I knew a girl who had an unhealthy obsession with Pop-Tarts. We all love them, of course; their brown sugary goodness, and their blueberry pizzazz exploding upon your taste buds. The overall question here seems to be: Is putting your health at risk a good choice just because you want one, two, maybe three junky snacks?

For the two pastries that come in a Poptart package, it totals 410 calories, which doesn’t seem too bad. They also contain 33 grams of sugar, and 90 grams of fat calories, and only 4 grams of protein. Some other "healthy" options you have are: Rice Krispie Treat, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, Chex Mix (plain, cheddar, and strawberry flavor), Snyder’s Pretzels, Mixed Cheddar Goldfish, and Cheezits. The most nutritional thing in that vending machine would be the pretzels, according to me, and that would not be a very popular choice as a quick snack in between classes.

Sophomore Logan Ford said, "I think there are some pretty healthy choices in the vending machines, but I don't spend money on it because the machine always takes my dollar."

Most items in the vending machine cost one dollar, and some snacks cost 50 or 75 cents. Is your 50 cents to a dollar worth the health risk? Some would argue yes, that the cost is worth the deliciousness. But others like Kensli Tindall, a sophomore, said “There aren’t too many healthy choices in there (the vending machines) and most of the time the better tasting snacks are all gone.”

Personally, I think that we should have some fruit cups, or even actual fruits like bananas, oranges, and apples. Even a simple protein bar would give kids energy and help them get through the day while curbing their hunger.

Ditch the sugar and bring in the vitamin C.


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