Exams cause stress on students
by Aspen Boyd
Final exams stressing you out? It’s normal! Everyone here at St. James is going crazy over their final exams. Students are staying up, pulling all-nighters, attending a million tutoring sessions, and doing everything they can to prepare for their end of course tests.
For many students, this will either make or break their final grade. Many of your peers are probably freaking out because of their lack of participation in their classes, causing them some major issues concerning passing the EOC’s. While some of your other classmates may be fully prepared for these stress inducing tests.
Taking these tests can be very stressful on students. Then when you add on the fact that most of us have jobs, sports, and other extra-curricular activities to attend to, it just makes us crazy. Many students are looking forward to the end of exam week when they no longer have to worry about staying up late, staying after school for tutoring, and other exam related activities.
Freshman Logan Pendley says, “I hate final exams, I have to worry about those, and all the other things I have to do outside of school.”
Many students feel the same way. Our stress levels are rising by the second, consequently making us students very difficult to be around.
The big question is, which student are you: the student who’s pulling an all night study session the night before the big test, or the student who continuously kept up with their school work, and is fully prepared for this week of major intensity? Either way, the fact remains that most of us are going just a little bit crazy over these tests.
Some of us, well, almost all of us, are even wondering what the point of a final exam is. We obviously knew the material when we took the countless tests and quizzes during the course, why should we have to take yet another stress inducing test just to prove that we participated in the class.
Even with all of our hatred towards these little monsters, the fact remains that we must take them. How you prepare for it is up to you, hopefully, you’re one of the prepared students!
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