Horoscopes, your birth sign, and astrology, are becoming a new age phase for young people. However, the history of astrology can be traced back to the ancient times of Babylonia. Astrology was used by priests to decipher the will of the gods.
This practice was originally adopted from the ancient Greeks. The word “astrology” literally means, “science of the stars”. The practice of astrology was, and in some cultures, still is practiced, in Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, and later, China.
For the most part, astrology was mainly used to help predict a civilizations most important events. These events included, the course of rivers, floods, how fertile the soil will be, and if the civilization will prosper, or die.
The belief that celestial entities have an influence on childbirth, life, and death, was manufactured by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks believed that everything in life, in the universe, is pre-ordained, or in other words, they believed in fate.
One important Greek figure, Pythagoras, determined that every incident that takes place is pre-ordained, that every event that has happened, is happening, and will happen, was already determined by the celestial, or cosmic clock.
The idea behind the horoscopes is there are twelve different signs divided equally within the zodiac calendar. Zodiac means “circle of life”. It is also the thin band of sky on either side of the elliptic, which is the course on which the earth circles the sun.
The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each thirty degrees long. The cycle begins with Aries, which begins at the spot on the elliptic where the sun is on the first day of spring, then continues in that circle until it reaches the last sign.
Most people now a day only use horoscopes to get their daily reading. Not many actually believe in the ancient practices of the astrological ways. The history of the Zodiac and astrology is very intriguing and should be looked at more closely than just reading your daily horoscope.
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