Thursday, April 18, 2013

6:15 AM
by Kathleen Schipano

The law enforcement class got a chance to meet the officers and canines that bust drug related offenders.
Jari the drug dog is very excited to meet St. James students.
Her handler, agent Thompson, is in charge of keeping Jari calm during the presentation.

Jari may look sweet and gentle but she is trained to attack on command.
Officer Brown answers the class's questions about his job.
The class gathers at the front of the school. Agent Brown has a box of regulated narcotics to demonstrate the dog's abilities.
Jari is a passive alert dog, meaning when she finds drugs she sits instead of barking and jumping.
Agent Brown rewards Jari with her favorite toy for a job well done.
Agent Thompson also brought his dog Daisy, who is also a passive alert dog.
 Daisy's toy of choice is a ball.
 One student volunteered to be handcuffed in a demonstration.
"They're actually not all that uncomfortable" he said.
 Agent Brown and Agent Thompson do another demonstration.
The agents were specially requested by Ms. Roper to give the students insight on what is actually involved in a career in law enforcement.


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