Friday, February 22, 2013

5:43 AM

by Audrey Dame
If you ask someone who IAMDYNAMITE is, they would most likely look at you like you have 4 heads and 7 eyes. A select few people might recognize them as an insanely good band, which is a very true statement. 

IAMDYNAMITE released their studio album “SUPERMEGAFANTASTIC” on June 5thof last year (2012). You might have heard their most famous song “Where Will We Go?” played on the 96.1 radio station a couple months back. The band only consists of two people: Chris Phillips (drums and vocals) and Christopher Martin (guitar and vocals). 

You might think they’re just an average indie rock band from Michigan, but they possess something that many people find rare, and that many artists lack; IAMDYNAMITE has ambition, and they sound exactly like their studio album when they play live. Personally, I’ve seen them live twice, and I own the album, so I feel like I can voice a pretty good opinion while saying that they are good. The amount of energy that they put into each song makes the lights shake and the crowd cheer louder. 

Now, they aren’t a very popular band, which shouldn’t be the case for how much they tour and how amazingly good they are, but let’s compare them to the indie rock band that goes by the name of Arcade Fire (one of my personal favorites). Arcade Fire started around 2001, and consists of 7 people.  Each of their 3 albums, Funeral, Neon Bible, and The Suburbs, has a different sound that is all its own. 

If you listen to them enough, you know who you’re listening to when they come on the radio once in a blue moon. They’ve won numerous Grammy’s and other miscellaneous awards for the unique sounds that come with each song on the album. What really got them going is when Mick Jagger chose them along with Foo Fighters and Jeff Beck to back him up on Saturday Night Live. 

So if IAMDYNAMITE and Arcade Fire are in the same category, and both are equally talented, why has Arcade Fire had better success than IAMDYNAMITE? Maybe it’s the fact that Arcade Fire has been rolling in the studio longer than the other rock duo, or that they have two more albums than IAMDYNAMITE. Either way, both bands deserve props for having expertise that owns the title of “the cat’s meow.”

IAMDYNAMITE “Where Will We Go”:

Arcade Fire “Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)”:


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