Friday, February 22, 2013

6:38 AM

by Anastasia Kasko
WMBF meteorologist schools Ms. Kuchar's students on lightning, rain and hurricanes.

Ms. Kuchar tells her students to give a round of applause and welcome Jamie Arnold, a meteorologist from WMBF News.

Mr. Arnold introduces himself and begins to explain the importance of knowing the weather.
 Explaining how a hurricane works isn’t always easy, so Mr. Arnold draws a diagram.
 Junior Marcqualla Thomas pops a smile to show her enthusiasm for their meteorologist guest.
 Showing real life footage of a tornado that happened right here in South Carolina
Ms. Kuchar listens intently to Mr. Arnold who is explaining his job and why he loves it so much.
 The students all open up their ears and give a “WOW!” when Mr. Arnold tells them he actually chases hurricanes.
The material covered in this friendly visit from Mr. Arnold included everything from relative humidity to measuring the average rainfall here in South Carolina.


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