by Anastasia Kasko
Here are a list of foods and drinks that will help your diet and why.
Fish: Three servings of this a week will seriously help you (if you don’t fry it). Fish is high in protein and contains fatty acids that are essential for your cell health.
Eggplant: A great source of potassium will help your diet; in addition to its great taste eggplant can’t be fun to dress up with different spices and whatnot.
Pinto Beans: These magic little beans give you a great source of folate which can help you against heart disease and for all the women out there, they can reduce the risk of birth defects.
Red Grapes: These little wonders have iron, potassium, and fiber.
Tomatoes: Full of vitamins, and also a great source of lycopene which prevents cancer.
Almonds: Nuts in general are usually good for you, but almonds have Vitamin E, fiber, and B Vitamins. The stuff in almonds is good for both your brain and skin.
Apricots: These bad boys get in your system and leave 10 times faster; loaded with fiber you’re sure to have a good time.
Lean Meat: When on a diet make sure you stick to lean meats; fried chicken, hamburger, and pork usually are not on this list.
White Chicken: Chicken is great for you because it provides a great low fat source of protein, and vitamins.
Carrots: These are good for your skin and provide a healthy snack.
Celery: Literally giving you negative calories because it takes more effort and energy to actually chew the celery than it provides.
So if you’re on a diet, or plan to be on one, stick to foods like this. They provide the vitamins you need and you won’t be hungry at the end of the day.
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